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Historical Musician in Residence (archive address only - see panel)
Dr Sally Garden
The Wighton Heritage Centre
Dundee Central Library, The Wellgate, Dundee DD1 1DB
t - +44 (0)1382-431552


Excepting other engagements, the Historical Musician in Residence can be consulted at the Wighton Heritage Centre during the following hours:

Monday 10:00am-12:30pm

Thursday 10:00am-12:30pm

Wighton Heritage Centre and Friends of Wighton
David Kett (Centre Manager)
t - 01382 431516

Janice Clark (Administrative Assistant)
t - 01382 431501


Further information about visiting or booking the Wighton Heritage Centre can be obtained via the Dundee City Council website www.dundeecity.gov.uk



© Sally LK Garden 2004


current contact

Please contact
Dr Sally Garden via

Mons Graupius
for all post-Residency enquiries